
Medical Conditions

  • One of the more common uroliths in the dog is composed of calcium oxalate crystals. Current research indicates that acidic urine high in calcium, citrates, or oxalates predisposes a pet to developing calcium oxalate urinary crystals and stones. The most common signs that a dog has bladder stones are increased frequency of urination, painful urination, and blood in the urine. Male dogs are more commonly affected and may be at risk of a life-threatening urinary obstruction. Treatment options and prognosis are discussed.

  • Campylobacteriosis is a bacterial intestinal infection usually acquired by exposure to raw meat, poultry, or infected water, but can be spread between pets and humans. Signs of infection are watery or mucoid diarrhea with straining, possible cramping, lethargy, and fever. Testing, treatment and prevention are discussed.

  • Las neoplasias mamarias (cáncer) son muy frecuentes en la perra y ocupan el segundo lugar en frecuencia tras los tumores de piel. Un 60 % de ellas son benignas y el 40% restante son malignas.

  • Canine coronavirus (CCoV) is not the same virus as SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19. Canine coronavirus disease, known as CCoV, is a highly infectious intestinal infection in dogs, especially puppies. CCoV does not affect people, and causes gastrointestinal problems as opposed to respiratory disease. Crowding and unsanitary conditions lead to coronavirus transmission. This article discusses signs, treatment, and vaccines for this disease.

  • Kennel cough is the common name for an infectious respiratory disease that affects the trachea and lower airways in dogs. Viral or bacterial pathogens may cause it. Treatment may or may not be necessary with antibiotics and, in some cases, anti-inflammatory medication. There are no long-term effects from this infection.

  • Canine influenza is a relatively new, highly contagious virus that causes respiratory disease in dogs. It has been reported in all US states and some Canadian provinces. Clinical signs include coughing, runny nose, and fever. Definitive testing can be performed in the early stages of the disease. Vaccination is recommended for dogs at a higher risk of infection or morbidity. The virus is not spread to humans, but cats can become infected.

  • Cardiomyopathy in Cats

    Cardiomiopatía es el término usado para describir las enfermedades de la musculatura del corazón. En gatos, existen tres tipos de cardiomiopatías: hipertrófica, dilatada, y intermedia o restrictiva. En todos estos tipos, la enfermedad cardíaca acaba provocando signos de fallo cardíaco. Una cardiomiopatía puede presentarse como una enfermedad primaria o secundaria a otra enfermedad.

  • Cardiomyopathy is a term used to describe diseases of the heart muscle. In cats, three classes of cardiomyopathy have been described: hypertrophic, dilated, and intermediate or restrictive cardiomyopathy. In the early stages of disease, the cat may not show any signs. Heart disease can be suspected based on clinical signs, chest X-rays, and electrocardiography (ECG). The long-term prognosis for a cat with cardiomyopathy is variable, and depends on the cause of disease.

  • Carpal hyperextension is an abnormality of the carpus (wrist) that causes increased extension of the joint. Carpal hyperextension in cats is typically caused by trauma. Cats can also develop carpal hyperextension in association with other systemic diseases (e.g., inflammatory arthritis, diabetes mellitus, electrolyte abnormalities). Cats with carpal hyperextension have a noticeable bend at the wrist, forcing their foot into an abnormally flattened position. If carpal hyperextension is caused by trauma, it may also be associated with pain and swelling. A tentative diagnosis of carpal hyperextension can be made based on initial observation, but a thorough physical examination is necessary because cats with carpal hyperextension may also have abnormalities in other joints. X-rays and other additional tests may be recommended. Treatment of carpal hyperextension depends upon the severity of the condition and may involve surgery.

  • Carpal hyperextension is an abnormality of the carpus that causes increased extension of the joint. There are many causes of carpal hyperextension: it can be caused by trauma; in young dogs it may be caused by a developmental abnormality; and in older dogs it may occur as a degenerative condition. Dogs with carpal hyperextension have a noticeable bend at the wrist, forcing their lower limb into an abnormally flattened position. If carpal hyperextension is caused by trauma, it may also be associated with pain and swelling. A tentative diagnosis of carpal hyperextension can be made based on initial observation, but a thorough physical examination is necessary because dogs with carpal hyperextension may also have abnormalities in other joints. Treatment of carpal hyperextension depends upon the cause and severity of the condition and can range from medical management to surgery.


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